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Staff Verification
Professional Background Verification

We are a provider of background screening solutions, we help organizations of all sizes hire the right talents for the right opportunities. Our seamless, streamlined solutions can help you get the data you need to hire and work smarter. Today, we deliver smart, customer-focused solutions that increase efficiency, speed up time-to-hire, and provide your candidates with a simplified experience.

Friendly Support

Our Background verification services corroborate your candidate’s education, professional qualifications, and licenses.

As you hire, you're seeking candidates with a specific mix of qualifications. For certain roles and sectors, you'll want to know whether those candidates hold required licenses or are members of specific professional bodies. To do this, you need to confirm your candidate’s education, and qualifications. Information provided by candidates may be inaccurate or incomplete which can make confirming such history difficult. HR-I Solutions' verification services can help give you greater confidence that your candidates have the qualifications and credentials you require.

Employment Reference
Our verification solutions can help you mitigate unnecessary risk by verifying that your candidate has the employment experience you're seeking. Verifying these details in-house can be time consuming and prone to error. We verify employment history either directly with former employees or their authorized agents.
Criminal Checks
Run criminal background checks to help protect your organization’s reputation and assets while fostering trust among current employees. Verifying whether an employee has a criminal record is a crucial step in assessing the risk of hiring that person into your organization. While not every crime would automatically prevent an applicant from being hired, having that knowledge allows you to make an educated decision. You can use the results of a criminal background check to then assess the applicability of the record to the position’s level of responsibility, exposure to assets or customers, and other criteria. Conducting a criminal history search that is tailored to the requirements of the position not only helps to lessen the potential for on-the-job incidents but can also help organizations avoid or defend potential negligent hiring lawsuits.
Medical Examination
Conducting pre-and-post employment drug and health screenings can help employers maintain a safe and healthy working environment. A comprehensive screening program can help your organization increase productivity, improve employee retention rates, lower health care costs, decrease accidents, and help ensure candidates and employees are physically able to perform job duties.
Our commitment is to help you with your transformation projects with enthusiasm and excellence